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Local 1382 Executive Board
The Executive Board is made up of Local 1382 members that have been voted into office by the membership. The E-board helps to keep track of the finances, votes on where donations go to, helps promote volunteer work in the community and helps make decisions for the Local 1382 membership. The E-board are the members that run the monthly membership meetings and they are made up of a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, 3 Trustees, Warden, and Conductor. Below are pictures of the Local 1382 Executive Board Members.
President Dominic Andrist Vice President Allen Nelson Recording Sec. Nick Wille Financial Sec. Wayne O'Connell Conductor Chris Dorn
Treasurer Jason Schwingle Warden Nathan Hoffman Trustee Jason Post Trustee Adam Summers Trustee James Provance
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